A unique solution for the extra-heavy and heavy oil industry


Flow Magic Technology was created after almost five years of research, development and field tests performed by GEMS laboratories, in Bucaramanga, Colombia. GEMS S.A. is a technology based petroleum research-services geochemical laboratory company with more than 20 years of experience in Colombia and Ecuador. It is focused on developing specialized projects and consulting in the areas of oil exploration and production.The original ideia appeared due to the need to improve economic value of large reserves of heavy and extra heavy oil deposits in the Colombian and others Sub-Andean petroliferous onshore sedimentary basins.

The sub-Andean overcharged petroliferous deposits, in Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador, suffered, during geological times, biodegradation processes where, continuos tectonic activities allowed percolation of meteoric water carrying aerobic bacterias to supergiant Upper Cretaceous/ Tertiary reservoirs. The huge multi-billions barrels of light oil deposits were biodegraded. Most of the aliphatic and aromatic light hydrocarbon fractions were destroyed leaving behind multi-billions barrels of heavy and extra-heavy oil deposits, where asphaltenes and resins are the dominant compounds. The very high viscosity of such oils and its immense NSO composition constitute a huge problem for the oil industry, in terms of oil quality, production, transport, logistics, storage, oil treatment and refining.

Based on these factors, our group developed and patented the Flow Magic Technology aiming to perform its application in the market of extra-heavy and heavy oil production, transport logistics, storage and petroleum processing with the production of its derivatives.

Flow Magic technology has undergone, and is undergoing, extensive laboratory and field evaluations as an additive to increase oil production and oil quality by reducing significantly the viscosity of heavy and extra-heavy crudes. Flow Magic technology is unique and has enormous advantages over currently used competitors.

Adding a small amount (up to 5% weight) of Flow Magic to heavy & extra-heavy, viscous and generally low-value oil, results in a large reduction of the dynamic viscosity increasing the value of the oil substantially. Furthermore, Flow Magic is a powerful demulsifier, capable of breaking some of the toughest emulsion. For some oils, it is more effective than any other product on the market. Also, Flow Magic lowers the acidity and sulfur content through the formation of water-soluble sulfates, which can be removed together with salts during water separation.

With all these amazing properties for improving the economics of heavy oils, including its recovery and transportation, one would think Flow Magic would be hazardous both to the environment and to human health as its competitors are. However, on the contrary, Flow Magic is entirely environmentally friendly. Furthermore, it is non-toxic to humans and has much lower flammability than competing products. With a comparable cost, properties which are generally as good, or better than competing products, and environmental and human safety properties far exceeding its competitors, Flow Magic is the obvious choice when trying to increase the value of heavy and extra-heavy oils.

Flow magic has been tested as an additive in pipelines to improve flow, it has been added to stock-tanks to speed filling and emptying, and injected in to well reservoirs to increase production rates and oil quality. It currently is undergoing long duration testing at an oil field, in Colombia, where it will be pumped into the reservoir to measure long term increase production rates and recovery factors. Flow magic is especially exciting for use in warm climates where typical viscosity-lowering additives like naphtha and diesel tend to evaporate. Flow Magic, being much less volatile, is not lost, even at quite extreme temperatures. This low volatility also makes it safer to work with. Also, it works very well in sub-freezing conditions.

It is important to mention that all changes in the oil quality after application of Flow Magic are permanent until the oil is refined.

For all these reasons, it is clear that Flow Magic is a magic solution for the extra-heavy and heavy oil industry.


Flow Magic has already proven its efficiecy and in field tests performed in the upstream, downstream and logistics activities. In the upstream, considered to be its upmost application, when injected (up to 5% in volume) in the well reservoir/ well flow, it can increase production up to 90%, reducing oil viscosity up to 85% and increase API degree up 60%, among other benefits. Important to mention that heavier the oil better the results. Also, the improvement in oil quality is permanent.

In the downstream & logistics, the main applications are related to transportation and storage, where the significant decrease in viscosity and increased in API value help tremendously the oil mobility (e.g. higher flow velocity), and oil quality. Examples of Flow Magic Technology in field tests performed in the upstream and downstream activities are listed below:

TEST 1 - Injection of Flow Magic Technology in the reservoir of a heavy oil prodction well

Flow Magic has already proven its efficiecy and in field tests performed in the upstream, downstream and logistics activities. In the upstream, considered to be its upmost application, when injected (up to 5% in volume) in the well reservoir/ well flow, it can increase production up to 90%, reducing oil viscosity up to 85% and increase API degree up 60%, among other benefits. Important to mention that heavier the oil better the results. Also, the improvement in oil quality is permanent.

  • Increase in oil production: 30 - 90%
  • Viscosity reduction: 50 - 85%
  • The heavier the oil, the better the performance
  • Increased API density: 20 - 60%
  • Improved demulsibility
  • characteristics: up to 60%
  • Reduction of solids and salinity: up to 80%
  • Properties acquired are permanent
  • Reduction of the cost of production, storage and transport.

test schematic 03

TEST 2 - Injection of Flow Magic in the production line of a heavy oil production well and its flow through a 1,2 Km pipeline.

test schematic 01

TEST 3 - Application of 5% of Flow Magic in a storage thank containing 500 barrels of extra heavy oil.

The rapid viscosity reduction made it possible to keep the crude oil in the tank with substantial energy savings for its heating.

test schematic 02

Long term field tests:

Impressive attested and certified results:


Flow Magic was developed and patented to meet the different types of oil produced - heavy and extra heavy.

Variation in mix volumes and formulation balance is done based on the type of heavy or extra heavy oil in which the Flow Magic will be applied.

Flow Magic formulation contains active compounds to be suitable for any type of heavy and extraheavy crude oils in balanced formulations.

Crude FMT: Flow Magic Technology
Heavy Crude Parafinic FMT-200          
Aromatic   FMT-210        
Asphaltenic     FMT-220      
Extra Heavy Crude Parafinic       FMT-300    
Aromatic         FMT-310  
Asphaltenic           FMT-320

Scientific Solution for Crude Oil

A product environmentally friendly, 100% organic, neutral, non-corrosive, lubricant, with minimal health risk, having a tested compatibility with crude oil and serving to permanently significantly increasing the oil quality and the fluidity of heavy and extra heavy crude oils, leading to an increase in production, optimization ofsurface treatment systems and transportation of crude oil. The Product is available now for application.

Flow Magic does not contain:

Water, aromatic solvents (BTX), alcohols, solid phase or inorganic components that could affect negatively the oil composition, its manipulation, storage or refining. Once added to the crude oil, it is incorporated into a homogeneous blend of better quality and fluidity, acquiring new permanent properties.

Significative, Fast and Permanent increase of Oil Quality:

Flow Magic is an unique, very low flammable, non-toxic product, with low cost, properties which are generally better, environmental and human safety than any competing products. Flow Magic is the obvious choice when trying to increase the value of heavy and extra-heavy oils by reducing significantly its dynamic viscosity, BSW (powerful demulsifier), salinity and sulfur content, and increasing its API degree and fluid mobility.


High demulsibility and fast water separation from crude oils

Increasing the Value of Heavy and Extra-Heavy Oil Deposits

All the field tests performed in the last three year suggested that the increased production and the reservoir recovery factor of extra-heavy and heavy oil fields associated with significant, permanent, changes of the oil quality increase substantially the intrinsic value of the oil produced after the application of FlowMagic Technology.


Marcio Rocha Mello, Ph.D.
Marcio Rocha Mello, Ph.D.

Dr. Marcio Rocha Mello, Ph.D., founder and shareholder of HRT Participacoes, today, called PetroRio S.A. considered to be one of the largest Brazilian independent oil company.

Marcio Rocha Mello, PhD is one of the leading oil geologist in the world being awarded several times by AAPG and ABGP and was the founder, owner and several times President of the Brazilian Association of Petroleum Geologist (ABGP) and the American Association of Petroleum Geology (AAPG), Session Latin America.

He worked as the manager of the Geochemistry Department in the Petrobras Research Center, Rio de Janeiro for almost 25 years and created the first Center of Excellence of Petrobras.

Marcos Ferreira
Marcos Ferreira

Serves as Executive Director of MLF Consultoria Ltda and partner of GO Associados; Chief Executive Officer of Conasa - Companhia Nacional de Saneamento S.A. ((2014 - 16) and Haztec Tecnologia e Planejamento Ambiental SA (2007-10), Country Manager of the Brazilian subsidiary and Senior Vice-President of ICF International Inc. in Fairfax , Va. (2003-06); Acted for over 20 years in several oil companies - Exxon, Chevron, BP-Castrol and ARCO. Chemical Engineer at UFRJ, MBA at COPPEAD-UFRJ and specializing in Marketing at Boston College in Massachusetts - USA.

Pedro Parra
Pedro Parra

Geologist graduated from Universidad Industrial de Santander with 24 years of experience in designing, planning and implementation of specialized technical projects for the Oil Industry, in the field of Exploration and Production. Founder and CEO of GEMS S.A., with headquarters in Bucaramanga, and regional offices in Bogotá and Quito (Ecuador)) from December 1998 to date. During the last 19 years he has managed about 200 projects for different oil companies in Colombia and Ecuador.

Alvaro Piquet, Dr.
Alvaro Piquet, Dr.

Dr. Alvaro Piquet is a Senior Partner of Pessôa, Piquet, Mourão Kohler & Figueiredo Advogados, with outstanding performance in Corporate and Corporate Law. He has worked as a law professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro for the last 18 years.

Dr. Alvaro Piquet is a member of the Board of Directors of several business groups and participates in groups of studies related to his area of professional activity.

Master of Laws from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, Philadelphia, USA with specialization courses at The Wharton Business School.